How Can I Practice Breathing: Part 2?
In one of our recent posts, we focused on Crocodile breathing. Breathing is central to our posture and the way we move. Not to mention healthy breathing function is a critical part of our mental health. The more you practice, the more you will improve your focus. And we can all afford to improve our focus. At Qi Movements, we start every single one of our exercise sessions with at least one breathing drill.
For those that might find the Crocodile breathing position a bit uncomfortable, try the Supine 90/90 breathing drill:
Mouth closed, teeth don’t touch.
Relax the jaw.
Neck long, chin tucked, chest wide, ribs gently down.
Only heels on the ball.
Bring your tongue to the roof of your mouth with the tip touching the back of the front teeth.
Inhale through your nose.
Exhale through your nose for twice as long as you inhale.
On inhalation, expand your body in 360 degrees.
Visualize breathing oxygen into every single part of your body.
Bring your focus entirely to your breath.
These types of drills are great as a pre-warm-up for exercise AND awesome for daily mindfulness practice. For exercise, try doing 10 quality breaths before you begin your warm-up. For daily breathing practice, set a duration of 2, 5, or 10+ minutes.
Always remember, motion is lotion. We encourage you to Move Well, Live Well™.
If you’re interested in moving, feeling and/or performing better, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be happy to help.