Prepare Your Body For The Gym

When it’s time to return to the weight room, there is one thing we have to keep in mind. We need to prepare our bodies before we return to lifting heavy. It would be a foolish mistake to simply pick up where we left off.

Here are some simple guidelines to help navigate your return to lifting:

❌ Do not lift through pain

✅ Listen to your body

✅ Start with breathing drills

✅ Address mobility deficits

✅ Address stability deficits

✅ Integrate corrective exercises

✅ Progress to functional movement patterns

✅ Master the technique

✅ Load the pattern

❌ Do not lift through pain!

Getting strong takes time. The process requires you to be patient and thoughtful. It takes a heck of a lot longer to get strong when you have to come back from an injury.

Be smart before you put in the hard work. Focus on the technique and fundamentals. Take your time and don’t judge a session by the numbers.

At Qi Movements, no exercise is ever arbitrary. We don’t give you exercises for the sake of doing them.

We screen your movement and identify the weakest link. Then we do a little trial and error to find the right drills for you. When we find the one that creates the most positive change, we call that your ‘money drill’.

Money drills are very specific to each individual. What works for 9 people might make the 10th person’s movement worse. We only use the ones that improve your movement. Once your foundation is solid we can progress to more advanced lifting and exercise programs.

Always remember, motion is lotion. We encourage you to Move Well, Live Well™.    

If you’re interested in moving, feeling and/or performing better, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be happy to help.


Top 6 Exercises to Counter Sitting


A Break From Heavy Lifting